About cruising on earth

I’m back from Danzig!

A group of my old friends from school and I went to Poland and the city of Danzig (Gdansk) to do what we did in Prague 2 years earlier: coming together to camp, have fun, drink, laugh, cook, chill etc. This time our campground was almost directly at the beach (5 mins walking) and we had a huge “base camp” framed by a DDR caravan , VW T5, TIPI tent, a hammock, ale-benches and a tripod holding a huge kettle/cauldron. I didn’t take a camera this year because it just nicer sometimes not to think of taking pictures all the time, but these two here, which I took in Prague, pretty much show the situation!


Well, after 7 days of heavy rain to baking heat we made it back and I went straight to Anna’s. It took us less than an hour and we were diving deeper than my head could process that quickly! We talked about the anunaki “gods” and how there is no such thing like a setting sun, because it’s just us who “turn our backs to the sun”. The sun itself shines day and night so basically there’s absolutely no need for TIME as in DAYTIME and NIGHTTIME. The NOW finally made perfect sense because in the past I used to think:

“Ok if time does not exist and time counting is manmade, why do we have day and night?” But then it hit me and I actually felt dizzy, because the simple fact that the earth is circling doesn’t mean that we need the concept of time.

Howsoever, this is kinda hard to explain.  What we have is now and that is more than enough 🙂 Kiss!