Christmas parties can be fun! (+Amsterdam III)

Soooo you guys, last part of my travel diary via pictures! Everytime I look at them I realize again how much I enjoyed it and how inspiring that city is πŸ™‚ Meanwhile in reallife: tomorrow is the last day of uni before holidays and it’s gonna be a tough one (10 am – 8pm). Today though we had a christmas party for the whole uni and it was so cool πŸ™‚ At the beginning it was quite lame and people left because it was mainly mulled wine drining and biscuit eating without interesting interactions. But I somehow knew that I’d just have to stay a little longer and voilΓ , it was worth it! Pauli (a classmate) and I got to know more students from other courses (game design) and had quite a lot of fun! I love being connected to other uni courses but it can be slightly difficult at the start. However, we grew together a bit more and had a good evening πŸ™‚p1330298p1330372p1330412p1330416p1330405p1330402p1330400p1330280p1330396

Amsterdam Part2


Welcome back adventurer! Here we go, second part of my attempt to capture the blissful beauty of this special city! Also, happy weekend! I am glad that I’ve got 2 days off anything to concentrate on my uni homework and christmas presents πŸ™‚ This year I somehow managed to NOT get into stress regarding presents and just having fun adding bits of this and that to fit every individual loved one πŸ™‚

Here we were on the scout for a nice coffee shop that serves vegan lunch. This one had only one option BUT we stayed to take pics of their incredible decor! So lovely!




Ok, so we didn’t find a vegan snack but stumbled across this pretty restaurant that had some vegan and glutenfree options. Not very cheap but worth the price …
This tempeh and salad plate with patatas bravas was 11 € and included the MOST pleasent server that you can also have a nice chat with!



Tempeh is fermented soy beans and super healthy, it is rich in protein and dietary fibre and leads to way less bloating than normal tofu. Our body loooves fermented stuff (i.e. Sauerkraut/miso/soy sauce)
Next up, one of plenty of beau-ti-ful windows and show rooms, perfectly decorated in style and with abandon! Simply walking by these shops is fun, you don’t even ave to leave money there! But, on the other hand, it’s not even that expensive, you’ve got all kinds of price variations!


There will be a last part on monday, it would just be too much beauty for one post πŸ˜€ I wish you the happiest 4. advent and love and peace and balance,

yours truly, Jule xx


Amsterdam Part1

It’s been a while, but…

Here I am, back with the first batch of pictures from my trip to Amsterdam. As I said before, Anna and I decided spontaneously to visit our friend and former housemate Millie from Bristol, wo moved to Amsterdam for studying with Erasmus. It’s been a year that we haven’t seen us, from the point that Anna and I left England to swap it for Portugal. In addition, I’ve never been to Amsterdam before (at least I can’t remember) and was so curious ever since Anna started to enthuse about it about 2,5 years ago!

So here we were, in midst of that vibrant city, sourrounded by tons of lovely (coffee) shops, flowers, stunning interiors, open windows, vintage goodness etc etc! Every detail in the centre is just so heartwarming and very obviouslyΒ made with love! So have a look at the pictures, more are yet to come πŸ™‚


Those pretty streets and house fronts!


This city is like a perfect mix of England, Sweden and Germany – and so is the language.


The two beauties ❀ It’s important to have friends you can perfectly chill with!


Can somebody please open a vegan shop of this kind???

About cruising on earth

I’m back from Danzig!

A group of my old friends from school and I went to Poland and the city of Danzig (Gdansk) to do what we did in Prague 2 years earlier: coming together to camp, have fun, drink, laugh, cook, chill etc. This time our campground was almost directly at the beach (5 mins walking) and we had a huge “base camp” framed by a DDR caravan , VW T5, TIPI tent, a hammock, ale-benches and a tripod holding a huge kettle/cauldron. I didn’t take a camera this year because it just nicer sometimes not to think of taking pictures all the time, but these two here, which I took in Prague, pretty much show the situation!


Well, after 7 days of heavy rain to baking heat we made it back and I went straight to Anna’s. It took us less than an hour and we were diving deeper than my head could process that quickly! We talked about the anunaki “gods” and how there is no such thing like a setting sun, because it’s just us who “turn our backs to the sun”. The sun itself shines day and night so basically there’s absolutely no need for TIME as in DAYTIME and NIGHTTIME. The NOW finally made perfect sense because in the past I used to think:

“Ok if time does not exist and time counting is manmade, why do we have day and night?” But then it hit me and I actually felt dizzy, because the simple fact that the earth is circling doesn’t mean that we need the concept of time.

Howsoever, this is kinda hard to explain. Β What we have is now and that is more than enough πŸ™‚ Kiss!

Breathe in


We arrived- finally! 25 hours on the road and ferry, 5 passengers with lots of food and even more baggage. We slept in our sleeping bags in a corner of a hallway on the ferry, which brought us over to Sweden over night πŸ™‚ it’s fresh and both sunny and rainy here, but the air is so crisp and awesome, it’s just fantastic πŸ˜€ I’m gonna sleep well tonight, I wish the same to you too ❀

Back to nature – Sweden


Why am I still awake… after a students party marathon and a very short and cold night last night… Yeah right because I really want to update my blog before heading off to the next adventure – SWEDEN tomorrow!

It really makes sense, you’ll see – my sister got herself a car, my stepdad planned to go up north for a week, she wanted to come along and offered to drive with her new car. With her she takes two of her best buddies… and me! When I came back from Portugal I got asked because there was still one seat left in the car, so I was like why not haha! It’s always such a beautiful time up there (my stepdad is lucky enough to own a cute little house in the middle of Swedens nowhere) and so I am really exited πŸ™‚ Fortunately, when in Sweden and in the countryside, you almost don’t need anything… comfy pants, sweater, outdoor jacket. Guitar, camera, music, wine πŸ™‚ Still have to pack my things and make provisions tomorrow, and this time we’ll even have wi-fi in the house (first time for me in like 10 years) so maybe I can still blog πŸ™‚ But primarily I want to use the time to get back to nature, back to myself… training mindfulness and being aware of all those little things πŸ™‚

Sleep well and see you later girls and boys ❀


–> Photos taken in Γ–land, Sweden during a bicycle tour last year πŸ™‚